July 21st 2011 would of been Marshall McLuhan's 100th Birthday. My how things have change since 1911, But McLuhan was a man that "saw" the future in more ways than one. He spoke of a global village in the 60's and 70's decades before the internet and social media were around. He said a global village would be "instant electronic information movement". Do you have that today? You bet we do. It's how I can chat on-line with my friends still in the military while they are overseas or even floating on a ship in the ocean. I can even watch shows from other Countries when ever the feeling strikes me.
On of McLuhan's messages is the media is the message. I think this link sums that up pretty well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3ApZGGY9RU
McLuhan's Tetrad or laws of media conclude that these four things happen to all media and human artifacts. Enhance, reverse, retrieve and obsolesce. Here is a link that I really liked that had a tetrad for learning 2.0.http://www.danpontefract.com/?p=90